
Workout 8

Warm Up
10 squats
10 pushups
10 lunges

6 x (3 min. jump rope immediately followed by 12 burpees and 30 sec. rest)
2 minute rest
4 x (30 sec. squats, 30 sec. squat jumps)

Cool Down
100 x crunches
100 x flutter kicks
50 x sit ups
50 x leg raises

This week I am going to begin recording the workouts that I do myself. Here we go.

Workout 7

Warm Up
10 squats
10 pushups

5 x (12 burpees, 12 squat jumps, 12 pushups, 12 plank-flexers), as fast as possible

2.5 mile run

Cool Down
10 pushups
100 situps

This week, we are going to focus on some cardio work and it is going to start getting downright painful... For this week's workout, you will need a jump rope, a clock, and a towel for your sweat and tears... One activity you will need to know how to perform is the "burpee", a vicious little jail house exercise that requires you to do a jumping jack, then immediately drop down and perform a push up, then pop back up to repeat that movement again... Check YouTube for some visual references, but make sure to do a full jumping jack with full arm extension, not a fake one! Ok, get in the zone... Here we go.

Workout 6

Warm Up
10 squats
10 jumping jacks
10 push ups

4 x (20 burpees followed by 3 minutes of full speed jump rope)

Cool Down
10 pushups
50 crunches
25 situps

This week, you are going to need a swimming pool! In honor of my Dad's recent competition, this week's workout will be one for the pool and should be a great program for targeting your cardiovascular ability. One length of a swimming pool is traditionally 25 meters, with an olympic size pool length being 50 meters. Keeping it simple, each 25 does not actually need to be 25 meters, just one length. I.E., a 100 Free equals 4 lengths of Freestyle. Ok, here we go.

Workout 5

Warm Up
5 minute easy jog (treadmill or surface)
-enter the pool-
400 Choice, easy pace. Swim any strokes you want for 16 lengths.

200 Freestyle, brisk pace
50 Underwater maximizer (spend as much time submerged as possible)
1 minute rest

200 Breast Stroke, brisk pace
100 Freestyle, brisk pace
50 Underwater maximizer
1 minute rest

200 Freestyle, sprinting every 4th length
200 Breast Stroke, sprinting every 4th length

Cool Down
200 Choice, easy pace

Stretch in pool prior to exit
This week's workout is going to bring us back to the pain of pullups. I know they are horrible, but they are an incredibly beneficial activity that must be performed for great results. In "Workout 2", we did a few pullups to get things started and this week we will build on that first encounter by increasing the work load. We will also include a good amount of activity to help burn off some unwanted mass. Let's get started! HYDRATE!

Workout 4

2 x 10 pushups
2 x 20 squats

1 pullup followed by 20 jumping jacks
2 pullups followed by 20 jumping jacks
3 pullups followed by 20 jumping jacks
4 pullups followed by 20 jumping jacks

NOTE: Concentrate on maintaining good pull-up form... All the way down, all the way up. This will help later!)

1.5 mile run, easy pace

Cool Down
1 x 10 pushups
100 crunches
50 leg raises

This workout is going to focus on developing some coordination and endurance utilizing body weight. Once again, this will be for individuals who are just getting started with serious physical fitness. Remember that for these activities, the focus should be on technique and pushing yourself! Sure, you may be tired and hurting, but you have got to keep going in order to truly cash-in on the work you are putting in. Your body is your temple.

Workout 3

2 minutes, jumping jacks
(4 pushups/5 squat jumps) x 4

(1 minute, jumping jacks/1 minute, chair step ups) x 6
(1 minute, lunges/30 seconds, squat jumps/1 minute, jumping jacks) x 6

100 crunches
50 leg raises

Cool Down
10 pushups
10 squats
10 sit ups

Ok everybody, for this workout, we are going to hurt a little bit and ideally build some strength. Once again, I will only utilize techniques that are basic and do not need a complicated description. This workout will be a little more intense than the last one, but will be okay for people just getting started with physical fitness. I think the toughest thing about this workout (because of location and ability) is that I want you to do pull-ups. Not fake pull-ups, with your palms facing towards you, not going up or down all the way, but real pull-ups, palms facing away and full extension and contraction. I know they're hard... In 8th grade, I think I did 1 during my physical performance test, and I thought I would die, but you've just got to start slow and concentrate on technique. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE!- Pee clear to stay in gear! (yeah, I made that up, lol) Alright, here we go!

Workout 2

10 squats
10 push ups
10 lunges, each leg

(30 seconds, squat jumps/ 1-3 pullups.. give it your best try) x 3
(1 minute, jumping jacks/ 8 pushups) x 5
15 squats x 3

Cool Down
25 sit ups
30 leg raises
50 crunches


This first workout will be an introductory level routine and should not be too difficult. Have no doubt, it should be challenging, but that is what fitness is all about! In this first routine, I will only use activities that most people should know already, because I cannot visually demonstrate techniques yet. However, eventually I will try to post videos with the "Workout of the Week", in order to help viewers learn unfamiliar and advanced activities. So, first things first... Make sure you have eaten some healthy carbs for energy (bread, fruit, etc.), had LOTS of water, and given yourself time for that stuff to digest. Now, change into some comfy clothes and let's rock and roll!

Workout 1

20 jumping jacks
15 squats
10 pushups

(30 seconds, single leg lunges/ 30 seconds, squat jumps) x 3
(30 seconds, jumping jacks/ 30 seconds of pushups) x 3

NOTE: For these 3 minute sets, try to adhere to the 30 second window of each activity, even if you end up doing one pushup or one squat jump in the the allotted 30 second window. Just keep going, Push yourself!

1.5 mile run, easy pace. Go as slow as you need to go in order to not stop.

Cool Down
flutter kicks x 50
crunches x 50
situps x 25
